Considering Bathroom Renovation

Considering renovation to your bathroom is never a simple matter. This is because unlike other domestic renovations, renovating the bathroom requires full agreement from all major stakeholders. This is definitely not a case of the husband or wife just giving their partner carte blanche. They both want sign off on anything that is going to be done because this where the beautification process takes place and it is also his throne. Another factor that cannot be overlooked is the price. Renovating a bathroom has become a very costly affair and you if are not careful to choose you building contractor carefully you can end being cleaned. Quotes on bathroom renovations need to be devised by both the builder and the plumber. Failure to do this could lead to a scenario where all your building work is done and then they realise that an important pipe has been built over, resulting in floor or walls being ripped up so that the problem can be attended to. These little fixes can often double the original quote.

Plumbers need to be brought in at ground level if these unnecessary costs are to be avoided. Every design that you see in an interior design magazine is not going to fit in your home. Of course any plumber worth his salt will tell you that anything is possible, at a price. Herein lays the rub. Yes, most things are possible, but they are not always practical. Make sure that when you are remodelling your bathroom that you consider all the variables, for example drainage and pipe location.

Once you have sorted the logistics, namely you have co-ordinated a builder and plumber, the fun really begins. The choices that consumers now have before them are endless. Bathrooms can now be built with virtually material you like. White is no longer only colour you have to choose from, in fact the rainbow does not even cover all the options. The shape of your tub is also something that you can play around with (they can now do almost any shape with glass fibre). Your tub can even double up as a Jacuzzi and transform your bathroom into a spa.

Andy Duncan
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