The Evolution Of Taps

Remember when all a tap was, was a simple device that allowed you to access water. Fifty years ago if you’re walked in someone’s bathroom, chances were it would pretty much the same as yours. There seemed to be a standard tap design that everyone used. Of course this never applied to the super rich types. With the rise of reality television and the homes of the wealthy suddenly becoming accessible to all, regular folks have become completely dissatisfied with the ordinary taps, that have served them so faithfully for so long. Now everything has to be super modern or super classy.
The move to more modern tap design has happened very quickly. Taps are now super chromed and come in every conceivable shape. You can now purchase a tap set for your bathroom that resembles virtually anything. The animal motif became very popular for a while, where the ears served as taps and the mouth as a spout. You almost never see separate hot and cold water taps anymore, especially over the kitchen sink or bath. These days if it does not come with a mixer it is just not good enough. Taps have become so decorative that one is almost afraid to use them for fear of removing the high shine.
Installing these new fancy taps has also created new work for already overpriced plumbers. One would be forgiven that the rise of these fancy taps is a conspiracy between manufacturers and plumbers. In the old days, if you wanted some new taps, all you would need to do is pay a visit to your local hardware pick the necessary supplies, and if you were even slightly savvy, installing the taps would be relatively simple. Now only a fool would attempt something like this. Of course there are still brave souls out there, who do try, but nine out ten times this ends with a plumber being called in and charging a lot more than you would have paid before your DIY efforts.
The irony of modern taps is that lately they are all trying to design taps that look really old and would not look out of place in your grans home.

Andy Duncan
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